【同义词辨析】 2018-08-20 浪费waste-consume
waste: usually implies careless or prodigal expenditure: ~d her money on frivolous items; but it may also imply fruitless or useless expenditure: why ~ time trying to help people who want no help? (prodigal两个意思: 1花钱大手大脚,是贬义但不算重 2回头浪子 prodigy甚至表示神童天才,如a Russian tennis prodigy俄罗斯网球奇才)
squander: stresses reckless and lavish expenditure that tends to exhaust resources: ~ed all their time and energy playing tennis. (lavish慷慨或过分慷慨铺张奢侈,如a lavish state dinner丰盛的国宴)
dissipate: implies loss by extravagance and commonly stresses exhaustion of the store or stock: eventually realized they had ~d all their resources. (store储藏为以后用,stock存货为现在用,有轻微差别)
fritter: usually used with away, implies expenditure on trifles, bit by bit, or without commensurate return: ~ed away the entire afternoon on aimless pursuits. (commensurate据此的相应的: salary will be commensurate with experience薪水根据经验)
consume: can imply a wasting or squandering as entirely as if by devouring: built a fire that ~d the entire stock of wood.
waste浪费: 花钱大手大脚不仔细,或无用地花费(fruitless,useless),squander挥霍: 不计后果大量花费直至消耗殆尽,dissipate也是挥霍: 由于奢侈(extravagance豪华奢侈)导致耗尽储藏储存,fritter一点点浪费: 在琐屑事情上一点一点地花费,无回报,consume消费: 形容象吞食一样,一点不剩(消费和浪费waste挥霍squander意思一样,较委婉些)
记忆方法: 1)首字母WSDFC无私的付出<==有时是浪费 (农夫和蛇寓意: the greatest kindness will not bind the ungrateful再大的善意也感动不了忘恩负义的人)
2)浪费的意思是无用花销没有回报 mean to spend or expend futilely or without gaining a proper or reasonable or normal return.